Pathfinder Accessories: Flip Mat: Bigger Pirate Ship
Pathfinder Accessories: Flip Mat: Bigger Pirate Ship
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The only thing worse than a pirate ship on your tail on the high seas is an EVEN BIGGER pirate ship! Whether your heroes decide to board the enemy vessel or purchase a sprawling ship of their own,:Pathfinder FlipMat: Bigger Pirate Ship:has you covered. Each side of this FlipMat features views of an enormous sailing ship and its decks. Don't waste your time sketching when you could be playing. With:Pathfinder FlipMat: Bigger Pirate Ship, you'll be ready next time your players decide not to turn tail and run and meet those pirates headon!
Pathfinder FlipMat: Bigger Pirate Ship:measures 27 by 39 inches, which gives you 45% more gaming space than the standard:Pathfinder FlipMat. On tabletops across the world, the FlipMat Revolution is changing the way players run their fantasy roleplaying games! Why take the time to sketch out ugly scenery on a smudgy plastic mat when dynamic encounters and easy cleanup is just a Flip away?